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Shell and Tube HEX

[S&T Heat Exchanger] Flange Clearance에 대한 API 660 및 TEMA 요구사항


Flange Clearance 적용 기준 (API 660, TEMA)


API 660이 9 Edition으로 바뀌면서 Flange Clearance 요구사항이 변경되었습니다.


- API 660 (9 Edition) : Design Clearance : 3mm / After Assembly 1.5mm

- API 660 (8 Edition) : After Assembly 3mm

- TEMA : Flange Clearance 3.2mm 적용


도면상으로는 3mm를 요구하나 Assembly 과정에서 Bolt Tightening에 의해 Flange Clearance가 줄어들 수 있기 때문에 1.5mm로 요구사항이 변경된 것으로 생각됩니다.

그럼 Assembly 완료 후 1.5mmClearance를 만족하는지 어떻게 Check 할 것인지 고민해봐야겠습니다.


1. (API 660) Para 7.7.4 (9 Edition)

The design clearance between mating flanges shall not be less than 3 mm (1/8 in.) at the periphery of the flanged joint. After assembly of the girth flange joint, the measured clearance between the mating flanges shall not be less than 1.5 mm (1/16 in.). The clearance between flanges shall extend within the bolt circle to allow flanges to be checked for radial distortion caused by an excessive bolt load.



2. (API 660) Para 7.8.4 (8 Edition)

The nominal clearance between flanges after assembly shall be not less than 3 mm (1/8 in). The

clearance between flanges shall extend within the bolt circle to allow flanges to be checked for radial distortion caused by an excessive bolt load.



3. (TEMA) F-3



The standard clearances and tolerances applying to tubesheets, partitions, covers and flanges are shown in Figure F-3. Dimensions in ( ) are millimeters.

