1.0 Appendix F
1.1 Scope
Closed Top API 650 Tank에 대해서 annex F의 요구조건을 만족시키면 Internal Pressure를 18 KPa까지 높이는 것이 가능
1.2 Design Consideration
1) Design Pressure가 1 kPa 이상일 경우, Manhole Thickness에 Factor 값이 적용되어야 한다. (Table 5.3a, 5.3b의 H 값이 P/(9.8*G)만큼 증가되어야 함).
2) Design Pressure가 2 kPa 이상일 경우, Roof Manway 및 Roof Nozzle은 shell Manway 및 Nozzle Requirement를 따라야 한다. (5.7.1~5.7.6)
3) Compression Ring Type은 Figure F.2에 따라 적용
1.3 Anchored Tank with D.P up to 18 kpa
1) Counterbalancing Weight
아래 Table (Annex F.8)과 같이 Counterbalancing Weight가 고려되어야 함.
2) Test
Design Liquid Height까지 Water를 채운 후 추가로D.P 1.25배의 Air pressure를 적용해야 한다.
After the tank is filled with water, the shell and the anchorage shall be visually inspected for tightness. Air pressure of 1.25 times the design pressure shall be applied to the tank filled with water to the design liquid height. The air pressure shall be reduced to the design pressure, and the tank shall be checked for tightness. In addition, all seams above the water level shall be tested using a soap film or another material suitable for the detection of leaks. After the test water has been emptied from the tank (and the tank is at atmospheric pressure), the anchorage shall be checked for tightness. The design air pressure shall then be applied to the tank for a final check of the anchorage.